U.S. law makes scientific research on marijuana too expensive and complicated
Washington Post,
A new study on cannabis compounds and the coronavirus got a lot of attention last week because it suggests that consuming…
A new study on cannabis compounds and the coronavirus got a lot of attention last week because it suggests that consuming…
A chemical found in live cannabis plants could help protect human cells against covid infections, revealed a study published in…
New research from Oregon State University shows hemp compounds have the ability to prevent the virus that causes COVID-19 from…
"Cannabinoids have the potential to prevent as well as treat infection by SARS-CoV-2" KELOWNA, BC / ACCESSWIRE / January 18…
New research from Oregon State University shows hemp compounds have the ability to prevent the virus that causes COVID-19 from…
Une étude universitaire américaine, publiée le 10 janvier dans The Journal of Natural Products, et reprise par Slate, annonce…
CORVALLIS, Ore. — New research from Oregon State University reveals hemp might offer protection from COVID-19, adding to the…
New research that is creating quite the buzz found that two compounds commonly found in hemp have the potential to combat the…
Researchers at two Oregon universities made waves across the internet this week after offering evidence that compounds from…
Researchers at two Oregon universities made waves across the internet this week after offering evidence that compounds from…
3 minutes ago MESQUITE, NV / ACCESSWIRE / January 17, 2022 / Cannabis Sativa, Inc.
MESQUITE, NV / ACCESSWIRE / January 17, 2022 / Cannabis Sativa, Inc. (OTCQB:CBDS) announces that the cannabis compound CBGA…
MESQUITE, NV / ACCESSWIRE / January 17, 2022 / Cannabis Sativa, Inc. (OTCQB:CBDS) announces that the cannabis compound CBGA…
MESQUITE, NV / ACCESSWIRE / January 17, 2022 / Cannabis Sativa, Inc. (OTCQB:CBDS) announces that the cannabis compound CBGA…
MESQUITE, NV / ACCESSWIRE / January 17, 2022 / Cannabis Sativa, Inc. (OTCQB:CBDS) announces that the cannabis compound CBGA…
MESQUITE, NV / ACCESSWIRE / January 17, 2022 / Cannabis Sativa, Inc. (OTCQB:CBDS) announces that the cannabis compound CBGA…
MESQUITE, NV / ACCESSWIRE / January 17, 2022 / Cannabis Sativa, Inc. (OTCQB:CBDS) announces that the cannabis compound CBGA…
Tutkitut hapot eivät perusmuodossaan päihdytä. Hamppukasvin eräät kannabinoidihapot voivat vaikuttaa koronaviruksen…
l'essentiel Alors que l'épidémie de Covid-19 repart à la hausse, une nouvelle étude préconise l'utilisation de deux composés prés…
Un nuovo studio ha individuato una sostanza naturale che potrebbe rivelarsi promettente per prevenire le infezioni da COVID-19…
Les plantes regorgent de molécules aux potentiels thérapeutiques. L'espèce qui intéresse beaucoup les scientifiques ces…
Le cannabis produit des métabolites secondaires qui intéressent beaucoup les scientifiques.
I composti trovati nella cannabis sativa sembrano prendere di mira la proteina spike del coronavirus, il suo principale metodo…
The study found that certain cannabis compounds blocked the coronavirus protein from entering live human cells and causing…
Un nou studiu arată că anumiți compuși de cânepă din canabil pot preveni infecția cu COVID.
According to a peer-reviewed study, two acidic compounds found in hemp can prevent Covid-19 infection by blocking the virus…
Suara.com - Para peneliti menemukan senyawa ganja memiliki kemampuan untuk mencegah virus corona Covid-19 memasuki sel manusia.
Un estudio de la Universidad Estatal de Oregón ha demostrado que dos compuestos del cannabis bloquean la capacidad del virus…
Investigadores han descubierto que una sustancia que se encuentra en las plantas del cannabis podría ayudar a combatir y…
The study found that certain cannabis compounds blocked the coronavirus protein from entering live human cells and causing…
‘Weed nuns’ applaud a study that claims cannabis can help fight cancer, claiming that science is finally catching up with…
LES Sœurs de la Vallée, un groupe de «nonnes de la mauvaise herbe» autoproclamées, se sont réjouies des conclusions d’une…
A groundbreaking new study published this week identified what could be an unexpected tool in the world's fight against COVID-19…
Cannabis gilt für manche Menschen als eine Art Wundermittel. Tatsächlich entfalten einige der enthaltenen nicht-psychoaktiven…
Entornointeligente.com / La Universidad de Oregon, Estados Unidos, y el Instituto Linus Pauling dieron a conocer los resultados…
This week there has been a lot of buzz about a new study on marijuana and COVID-19, the miraculous gist of the headlines being…
A study from Oregon State University has marijuana users feeling pretty good about themselves.
THIS WEEK'S TOP STORIES As demand dynamics ease, pot businesses put their underperforming assets up for sale As Canadian…
Below is a recap of the main news related to the cannabis industry and markets for the week of January 10, 2022.
In an effort to identify natural medicinal products in the ongoing global fight against COVID-19, Dr.
Two compounds found in cannabis, cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) and cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), were shown in a recent in vitro…
Could hemp be a secret ingredient in the fight against COVID-19? According to the newly released results of a study at Oregon…
Compounds found in hemp may prevent the virus that causes COVID-19 from entering human cells, according to a new study…
Le cannabis pourrait-il protéger du Covid-19 ? C'est ce qu'avance une étude publiée lundi dans The Journal of Natural Products.
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Research is moving at a fast pace to deal with the global…
Oregonská státní univerzita se v posledním týdnu neproslavila jen na české politické scéně, ale i v oblasti výzkumu kanabinoidů…
Une étude américaine conclut que certains cannabinoïdes peuvent protéger contre l'infection par le coronavirus.
/ BlackJack3D / Maren Caruso Cannabis use is a controversial topic for several reasons, with its psychoactive potential being a…
The study analyzed a range of botanical compounds to see how well they would bind to the spike protein on SARS-CoV-2.
The study determined that cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) and cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) prevented infection of human epithelial…
Joint an, Corona weg? Ganz so einfach ist es nicht, aber laut einer aktuellen Studie von US-Forscher:innen könnte Cannabis…
Dass Cannabis mehr zu bieten hat als einen Rausch, ist seit Jahrtausenden bekannt.
Science The study found that certain cannabis compounds blocked the coronavirus protein from entering live human cells and…
Chad Williams New research at Oregon State University (OSU) has found that hemp compounds, identified via a chemical screening…
Traitement inattenduLe cannabis pourrait protéger contre le Covid-19 Selon une très sérieuse étude de deux universités de l’Orego…
Traitement inattenduLe cannabis pourrait protéger contre le Covid-19 Selon une très sérieuse étude de deux universités de l’Orego…
Una nuova ricerca dell’Oregon State University ha identificato che due composti di canapa –CBDa e CBGa– mostrano la capacità di…
Could weed be the cure for COVID? Maybe. Researchers from Oregon State University claim two common chemicals found in cannabis…
[周刊王CTWANT] 新冠肺炎令全球專家頭疼,不過近日科學家在大麻裡找到一線曙光!美國奧勒岡州立大學最新研究發現,有2種大麻化合物可以阻止新冠病毒進入人體細胞,可能可以為治療、預防新冠的方法開創嶄新道路!不過專家也指出,「吸食大麻」不會提供任何防護作用…
Cannabis compounds have the ability to prevent the virus that causes Covid-19 from entering human cells, US researchers have…
Alcuni componenti della cannabis potrebbero prevenire l'infezione da Covid-19 bloccandone l'ingresso nelle cellule poiché…
εικονα:Visoot Uthairam via Getty Images Εκείνος ο φίλος σου, που πάντα λέει ότι το χόρτο κάνει καλό σε όλα, ίσως να μην έχει και…
If hemp products containing these compounds are smoked or vaped, the heat exposure could cause the chemical decomposition A…
Stânga:Oregon State University. Dreapta:Bill Clark/Contributorvia Getty Images Un nou studiu revoluționar efectuat de două…
Un equipo de investigadores de la Universidad Estatal de Oregón y la Universidad de Ciencias y Salud de Oregón (EE.
Foto:Visoot Uthairam via Getty Images In einer neuen Studie haben Wissenschaftler gezeigt, dass Bestandteile der Hanfpflanze…
Foto:Visoot Uthairam via Getty Images Teman kalian yang sering mengagung-agungkan manfaat ganja bagi kesehatan mungkin ada…
Cannabis compounds have the ability to prevent the virus that causes Covid-19 from entering human cells, US researchers have…
Suara.com - Sebuah penelitian yang terbit di Journal of Nature Products menemukan bahwa ada beberapa senyawa di dalam ganja…
A new study has identified compounds in hemp that may have the ability to help prevent Covid-19.
Cannabis compounds prevented the virus that causes Covid-19 from penetrating healthy human cells, according to a laboratory…
The study found that certain cannabis compounds blocked the coronavirus protein from entering live human cells and causing…
According to the results of a recent study, cannabis compounds can prevent the virus that causes COVID-19 from entering human…
Technické konopí - ilustrační foto. Washington - Látky obsažené v rostlinách konopí, z nějž se získává i marihuana, možná chrání…
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — While vaccines are the gold standard to prevent COVID-19, researchers may have found another…
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — While vaccines are the gold standard to prevent COVID-19, researchers may have found another…
A study published this week in the Journal of Natural Products indicates that cannabis compounds could help protect against…
Two compounds isolated from hemp varieties of Cannabis sativa can block the the COVID-19 virus from entering human cells…
Desde que el virus COVID-19 se convirtió en una pandemia mundial, la carrera de las farmacéuticas para obtener una vacuna…
A new Oregon State University study suggests that cannabis compounds can prevent COVID-19 from infecting human cells.
A study that suggests components of cannabis can prevent coronavirus infections has sparked quite a buzz on social media.
A study that suggests components of cannabis can prevent coronavirus infections has sparked quite a buzz on social media.
A study that suggests components of cannabis can prevent coronavirus infections has sparked quite a buzz on social media.
A new Oregon State University study suggests that cannabis compounds can prevent COVID-19 from infecting human cells.
A new Oregon State University study suggests that cannabis compounds can prevent COVID-19 from infecting human cells.
A new Oregon State University study suggests that cannabis compounds can prevent COVID-19 from infecting human cells.
A study that suggests components of cannabis can prevent coronavirus infections has sparked quite a buzz on social media.
A study that suggests components of cannabis can prevent coronavirus infections has sparked quite a buzz on social media.
A study that suggests components of cannabis can prevent coronavirus infections has sparked quite a buzz on social media.
A study that suggests components of cannabis can prevent coronavirus infections has sparked quite a buzz on social media.
By Julia Marnin A study that suggests components of cannabis can prevent coronavirus infections has sparked quite a buzz on…
A new Oregon State University study suggests that cannabis compounds can prevent COVID-19 from infecting human cells.
A study that suggests components of cannabis can prevent coronavirus infections has sparked quite a buzz on social media.
A new Oregon State University study suggests that cannabis compounds can prevent COVID-19 from infecting human cells.
A new Oregon State University study suggests that cannabis compounds can prevent COVID-19 from infecting human cells.
A study that suggests components of cannabis can prevent coronavirus infections has sparked quite a buzz on social media.