@JGWigmore cannabis users with covid are LESS likely to enter ICU or see severe outcomes of covid: https://t.co/sFV7fGekYy prevents further spread of the infection: https://t.co/uLoner3OEX THCa, CBDa and CBGa are proven to block cellular entry of SARS-Co
RT @travishaynes40: @marclanders Bullshit. Previous studies have found that cannabis can help prevent COVID-19, and that consumers have low…
@marclanders Bullshit. Previous studies have found that cannabis can help prevent COVID-19, and that consumers have lower severity. https://t.co/idc9dI5Um2 https://t.co/dC4NQTBtA5 https://t.co/Iwr3d3rciE
@NeuroscienceNew no, cannabis users with covid are LESS likely to enter ICU or see severe outcomes of covid: https://t.co/sFV7fGekYy prevents further spread of the infection: https://t.co/uLoner3OEX CBDa and CBGa are proven to block cellular entry of SAR
@sciqst @WUSTLmed actually, cannabis users with covid are LESS likely to enter ICU or see severe outcomes of covid: https://t.co/sFV7fGekYy prevents further spread of the infection: https://t.co/uLoner3OEX CBDa and CBGa are proven to block cellular entry
@mryoung151 no, cannabis users with covid are LESS likely to enter ICU or see severe outcomes of covid: https://t.co/sFV7fGekYy prevents further spread of the infection: https://t.co/uLoner3OEX CBDa and CBGa are proven to block cellular entry of SARS-CoV
@CIDRAP no, cannabis users with covid are LESS likely to enter ICU or see severe outcomes of covid: https://t.co/0j8zA2p99M prevents further spread of the infection: https://t.co/LWRUPbUupP CBDa and CBGa are proven to block cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2:
RT @bugscotti: @CoDoc442 isn’t it a great thing you’re not anybody’s source for this information, cannabis is a patented medicine and treat…
@CoDoc442 isn’t it a great thing you’re not anybody’s source for this information, cannabis is a patented medicine and treatment for covid-19. https://t.co/G4QuwaZ7X8 https://t.co/0j8zA2p99M https://t.co/DcIbSwRin4
RT @SanhoTree: Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants https://t.co/iiLw93c21M Raise your hand if you had…
Interesting study iivestigsting CbN potentially effectively neutralising spike https://t.co/BCmtVm50kV
@MimiTexasAngel @CDCgov Ok, stop spamming my comments with marijuana. Here's the study. I read it. It is a physical impossibility to block all 53 billion ACE2 receptors with weed particles. And that is just in the lungs. Weed is not going to block the
RT @GerardHough: https://t.co/dfMNxlcPFj Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants the combination of vacc…
RT @SanhoTree: Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants https://t.co/iiLw93c21M Raise your hand if you had…
Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants Source: PubMed https://t.co/ZVm7hEfRyh
RT @SanhoTree: Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants https://t.co/iiLw93c21M Raise your hand if you had…
RT @SanhoTree: Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants https://t.co/iiLw93c21M Raise your hand if you had…
RT @SanhoTree: Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants https://t.co/iiLw93c21M Raise your hand if you had…
RT @SanhoTree: Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants https://t.co/iiLw93c21M Raise your hand if you had…
RT @SanhoTree: Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants https://t.co/iiLw93c21M Raise your hand if you had…
RT @SanhoTree: Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants https://t.co/iiLw93c21M Raise your hand if you had…
@calirunnerdoc Please Eat raw Cannabis. Please give Sick raw elixir of Cannabis. I am self Healing COVID now 2024. COPD, Cancer I am 75. I use my maintenance Drugs. Cannabis, Advair HFA, Spiriva, Duo-Nebulizer, Fever Reducer, w/1/4 dose my prn 25mg Pro
Of course folks should Mask on Flights ~ Of course we should Feed everyone raw Cannabis it blocks cellular entry of #SARSCov2 per Science Eat the raw leaf of Cannabis. Extract the flowers and leaf into Elixir for the Sick ~ I use Raw w/o a Carrier Oil.
@AM_Zukowska Pani Aniu, polecam medyczną - dobre na zajoba https://t.co/51tRPa7vcW https://t.co/V2jG282mOA
Family has COVID ~ I am not Masked @ Home ~ My Husband has Symptoms ~ He suffers from Long COVID, Heart Attack, Bypass, Congestive Heart Failure after 2 years. Was recently Wasting we building him up ... His symptoms began yesterday Eat RAW Weed LEAF htt
@ZombiePanther2 Don't forget we eat Cannabis flower and leaf it's a green vegetable. Eat fruit use leaf to heal it is written in Ancient Texts Eat raw Cannabis to block cellular entry of the Virus ~ https://t.co/3VbpNFyNsz
@LauraMiers I lay in bed and smoke. Science could probably make a gummi or something. https://t.co/EdjH5FUkUH
Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants Eat raw Marijuana Leaf for Immunity to Cannabinoid Deficiency Diseases ~ Do not fear the Reefer ~ Ezekiel Leaf is illegal to eat 1917 Texas, Rule of Law https://t.co/3VbpNFzli7
@RepNancyMace Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants- https://t.co/rVO3y07G0i
One more reason not to fear those gummies that have been sitting on my desk for many months.
@MikeCarlton01 Cannabis is supposed to reduce the ability for it to replicate! https://t.co/K23ZVlPKRt
@WestergrenJon @Chris_The_Pope I trust our regulatory structure in Madison, Wisconsin. Hybridization is the answer. A controllable buzz that: • Enhances my pain tolerance [attitude] • lowers blood pressure: https://t.co/2YagOHwIjh. • fights COVID e
Montakohan lääkettä tällä korvaa käytännössä...
SARS-CoV-2 ~ Block Cellular Entry Immunity Virus by from eating raw leaf of seeded herb , Cannabis. #USA @WhiteHouse @DEAHQ suggests Schedule III for food. Requires Physician's prescription to obtain Nutrients under Health Insurance Program May 4, 2024 h
@LeftwardSwing Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 ... Variants USA knows we eat a leaf to heal 1909 Oil discovered, 1910 Carnegie published Flexner. Cannabis is Marijuana so they sell drugs made from petrochemicals to treat Cannabinoid Defic
Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants - PubMed https://t.co/3KCTLGr3Mx
@Jacek666228 @KrzysztofGilew @gps65 dobre na zajoba 😃 - badanie 👇 https://t.co/UHOellKAwz https://t.co/c3D860ngDo
@ProffesorPubli1 @PeterSweden7 "terpenes, an organic compound found in cannabis and other plants, and cannabidiol (CBD) acted as an effective barrier in preventing cells from infection from both the coronavirus and influenza A ('bird flu') virus in cells"
RT @GerardHough: Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants https://t.co/dfMNxlcPFj
@ChrisHeHim1 3 x vax Interested in the NIH research into cannabis and Covid https://t.co/K23ZVlPKRt
To block Infection eat raw leaf 🍃 of Cannabis • 550 raw nutrients CBDa, CBGa A indicates plant 🌱 isn’t heat processed 2014 I began treating Cancer in Texas illegally ~ I read Cannabis 🛑 Cancer 2010 I have Cancer I had not Treated I was afraid 😱 https://
@LauraLoomer I'd rather use cannabis than a "vaccine/mRNA gene therapy". https://t.co/cumPun1jy3
@ClaireFosterPHD You sure have a 1930's view of cannabis which is outdated. https://t.co/cumPun1jy3
Ivermectin is another Grift against God by Satan We eat Ezekiel Leaf. God heals Nations. 2024 ~ What leaf do we not eat? 1917 Texas, Jim Crow, Rule of Law, Cannabis is Marijuana. Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants
Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants - PubMed https://t.co/y2YLFKIynY
@fabiankunick Did you know that THC kills COVID and prevents it from spreading? https://t.co/pjXurqrW9T
@PLegalization Cannabinoids prevent/treat covid, including variants. https://t.co/gTzVSo8UmW https://t.co/2lAHujrubY https://t.co/NvyUT26JFr And Influenza A (bird flu.) https://t.co/Fymxx4GVkG
@_EarnieBanks To stop COVID Disease State would need to feed us Leaf of Weed raw ~ 1917 Prohibition of Cannabis is Legal Genocide for USA ~ #Texas refuses to allow us to eat a leaf so God heals. Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emer
@hannahdev @WHO Cannabinoids prevent/treat covid, including variants. https://t.co/Hudo2UQh1R https://t.co/nIcn5VV4jY https://t.co/YR4IKYFN6i And Influenza A (bird flu.) https://t.co/t8V4Dmpwuq https://t.co/fssAxghCwy
@SvenTystnad Don't forget to eat your CBD gummy. https://t.co/cumPun1RnB
@DemocraticPhil1 @ClarkeMicah @Arron_banks Cannabis prevents/treats covid, including variants. Influenza A too. https://t.co/Hudo2UQh1R https://t.co/nIcn5VV4jY https://t.co/YR4IKYFN6i https://t.co/t8V4Dmpwuq Prev. sources. https://t.co/P1rfntfX4o https:
@Liz_Wheeler I may be crazy, but at least I'm not vaccine crazy. - Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants https://t.co/cumPun1jy3
@NicoleShanahan I support eat Ezekiel leaf for God to heal nation's since 2010. I read Cannabis stops Cancer. I have Cancer I did not treat until 2014. Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry "Eat your bud" William Courtney, M.D. https://t.co/3VbpNFyNsz
RT @TomSpeed420: @fillthewhole Cannabis prevents/treats covid, including variants. Keep CBD handy and you can safely get rid of masks. htt…
RT @TomSpeed420: @Liz_Wheeler Cannabis prevents/treats covid, including variants, and also Influenza A (bird flu) too. https://t.co/Hudo2U…
@beverleyturner Cannabis prevents/treats covid, including variants. No need for masks so long as you have CBD at hand when needed. https://t.co/P0x68A5joF
@fillthewhole Cannabis prevents/treats covid, including variants. Keep CBD handy and you can safely get rid of masks. https://t.co/P0x68A5joF