RT @mzjacobson: Natural gas leak rates in New Mexico are an astounding 9.4% https://t.co/mNq8DPfbaK which makes Turkmenistan's 4.1% look m…
RT @EvanDSherwin: Our new airplane survey, published in @EnvSciTech , finds that ~9% of all natural gas produced the New Mexico Permian Bas…
RT @mzjacobson: Natural gas leak rates in New Mexico are an astounding 9.4% https://t.co/mNq8DPfbaK which makes Turkmenistan's 4.1% look m…
RT @mzjacobson: Natural gas leak rates in New Mexico are an astounding 9.4% https://t.co/mNq8DPfbaK which makes Turkmenistan's 4.1% look m…
RT @mzjacobson: Natural gas leak rates in New Mexico are an astounding 9.4% https://t.co/mNq8DPfbaK which makes Turkmenistan's 4.1% look m…
RT @mzjacobson: Natural gas leak rates in New Mexico are an astounding 9.4% https://t.co/mNq8DPfbaK which makes Turkmenistan's 4.1% look m…
RT @mzjacobson: Natural gas leak rates in New Mexico are an astounding 9.4% https://t.co/mNq8DPfbaK which makes Turkmenistan's 4.1% look m…
RT @StanfordEarth: The amount of #methane leaking from a huge U.S. oil and gas producing region is several times greater than the federal g…
The amount of #methane leaking from a huge U.S. oil and gas producing region is several times greater than the federal government estimates, a new study finds. Details from @StanfordEarth postdoc @EvanDSherwin in the 🧵 below. Story from @StanfordEnergy: ht
RT @barobertson111: This blows #gas claims to be a low emissions fuel Gas from this basin is a climate destroyer Truly shocking news from a…
RT @mzjacobson: Natural gas leak rates in New Mexico are an astounding 9.4% https://t.co/mNq8DPfbaK which makes Turkmenistan's 4.1% look m…
Most businesses wouldn't let so much product be lost. But they're making money hand over fist and they simply don't care about doing more climate damage. That level of leaks should be actionable.
RT @mzjacobson: Natural gas leak rates in New Mexico are an astounding 9.4% https://t.co/mNq8DPfbaK which makes Turkmenistan's 4.1% look m…
RT @mzjacobson: Natural gas leak rates in New Mexico are an astounding 9.4% https://t.co/mNq8DPfbaK which makes Turkmenistan's 4.1% look m…
RT @mzjacobson: Natural gas leak rates in New Mexico are an astounding 9.4% https://t.co/mNq8DPfbaK which makes Turkmenistan's 4.1% look m…
RT @mzjacobson: Natural gas leak rates in New Mexico are an astounding 9.4% https://t.co/mNq8DPfbaK which makes Turkmenistan's 4.1% look m…
RT @mzjacobson: Natural gas leak rates in New Mexico are an astounding 9.4% https://t.co/mNq8DPfbaK which makes Turkmenistan's 4.1% look m…
RT @mzjacobson: Natural gas leak rates in New Mexico are an astounding 9.4% https://t.co/mNq8DPfbaK which makes Turkmenistan's 4.1% look m…
and all the new NG drilling needed to send EU LNG will only exacerbate GHG emissions. Remember methane is 80 times that of Carbon as a GHG. And so goes the world.
RT @mzjacobson: Natural gas leak rates in New Mexico are an astounding 9.4% https://t.co/mNq8DPfbaK which makes Turkmenistan's 4.1% look m…
RT @mzjacobson: Natural gas leak rates in New Mexico are an astounding 9.4% https://t.co/mNq8DPfbaK which makes Turkmenistan's 4.1% look m…
Natural gas leak rates in New Mexico are an astounding 9.4% https://t.co/mNq8DPfbaK which makes Turkmenistan's 4.1% look mild https://t.co/WC3N1oGYXx + @howarth_cornell & my world-avg 3.5% emis rate look conservative https://t.co/1JIK4oGJrH Blue H2
RT @JesseJenkins: Bad news: airplane measurements of methane leaks in New Mexico's Permian Basin find staggering 9% leak rate. Good news:…
RT @barobertson111: This blows #gas claims to be a low emissions fuel Gas from this basin is a climate destroyer Truly shocking news from a…
RT @biodynamiclamb: #VoteAngusOut #angustaylor is promoting a fraud that gas is better than gas. Do not fall for his climate change denial…
RT @EvanDSherwin: Our new airplane survey, published in @EnvSciTech , finds that ~9% of all natural gas produced the New Mexico Permian Bas…
RT @EvanDSherwin: Our new airplane survey, published in @EnvSciTech , finds that ~9% of all natural gas produced the New Mexico Permian Bas…
Ok - now that natural gas is everyone's favorite freedom molecule, can we get the industry to take these leaks seriously? A 9% methane leak rate is cRaZy!!! No way that the blue hyrdogen we all know and love is low-carbon at that point https://t.co/f3Ka0
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @BarryRabe: Study reports major methane losses between 2018-20 in NM portion of Permian, at very point it broke from TX and most product…
RT @EvanDSherwin: Our new airplane survey, published in @EnvSciTech , finds that ~9% of all natural gas produced the New Mexico Permian Bas…
Study reports major methane losses between 2018-20 in NM portion of Permian, at very point it broke from TX and most production states and began to develop more rigorous regulatory oversight https://t.co/ecc8NrOkbs
RT @ssteingraber1: NEW MASSIVE STUDY: Aerial data from Permian Basin in NM shows methane emission rates from well sites, pipelines, tanks,…
RT @GlobalEcoGuy: Wow. A 9% percent leakage rate of methane from the Permian Basin is horrific. A huge methane source. But it’s also somet…
RT @jmkorhonen: If total leakage exceeds ~3-4%, natural gas is actually worse for the climate than coal.
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @GlobalEcoGuy: Wow. A 9% percent leakage rate of methane from the Permian Basin is horrific. A huge methane source. But it’s also somet…
RT @ssteingraber1: NEW MASSIVE STUDY: Aerial data from Permian Basin in NM shows methane emission rates from well sites, pipelines, tanks,…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @EvanDSherwin: Our new airplane survey, published in @EnvSciTech , finds that ~9% of all natural gas produced the New Mexico Permian Bas…
RT @JesseJenkins: Bad news: airplane measurements of methane leaks in New Mexico's Permian Basin find staggering 9% leak rate. Good news:…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
@hausfath @feed4politics Did you see this study out? It needs to be confirmed, but leakage might be a lot worse than we realized. I'd put system wide leakage at 4-5%, but could be higher. Unlikely to be less than 3%. https://t.co/cRJCzQarBO
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @EvanDSherwin: Our new airplane survey, published in @EnvSciTech , finds that ~9% of all natural gas produced the New Mexico Permian Bas…
RT @EvanDSherwin: Our new airplane survey, published in @EnvSciTech , finds that ~9% of all natural gas produced the New Mexico Permian Bas…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @JesseJenkins: Bad news: airplane measurements of methane leaks in New Mexico's Permian Basin find staggering 9% leak rate. Good news:…
If you even know how 2spell the word science, this is terrifying. HYDROGEN NOW @Ford @HouseGOP @jpmorgan @Walmart @amazon @GoldmanSachs @blackrock @HouseDemocrats @SenateDems @AppropsDems @TheDemocrats @potus @waysmeanscmte
RT @JesseJenkins: Bad news: airplane measurements of methane leaks in New Mexico's Permian Basin find staggering 9% leak rate. Good news:…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @KateAronoff: For reference https://t.co/gLgbywg21D https://t.co/tQRxrZIcjj
RT @barobertson111: This blows #gas claims to be a low emissions fuel Gas from this basin is a climate destroyer Truly shocking news from a…
RT @DrMattyG: Our paper on methane emissions in the Permian Basin finally dropped! The culmination of many years of work on sensor develop…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @EvanDSherwin: Our new airplane survey, published in @EnvSciTech , finds that ~9% of all natural gas produced the New Mexico Permian Bas…
RT @GlobalEcoGuy: Wow. A 9% percent leakage rate of methane from the Permian Basin is horrific. A huge methane source. But it’s also somet…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
Gas is not a low emissions fuel, ever! #auspol #climateEmergency @AlboMP @Bowenchris
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @jonwgoldstein: 🧵: A study out today in @EnvSciTech by scientists at @Stanford, @KairosAerospace and @UMich estimates the #cutmethane lo…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
RT @JustinMikulka: It was likely too low. Much too low. A new study out of New Mexico estimates that methane emissions in the Permian regio…
RT @KetanJ0: So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the le…
So, some folks used a spy plane to monitor gas fields in the US Permian basin (7% of US gas production), and found that the leakage rate is 9.4%. That is *really very a lot* higher than many of the previous assumptions / averages used for gas https://t.
RT @Sustainable2050: Nuanced thread, with the hope that this is an exception, but 9% of methane leakage for a major US shale oil & gas regi…
RT @barobertson111: This blows #gas claims to be a low emissions fuel Gas from this basin is a climate destroyer Truly shocking news from a…
RT @ssteingraber1: NEW MASSIVE STUDY: Aerial data from Permian Basin in NM shows methane emission rates from well sites, pipelines, tanks,…
RT @barobertson111: This blows #gas claims to be a low emissions fuel Gas from this basin is a climate destroyer Truly shocking news from a…
RT @ssteingraber1: NEW MASSIVE STUDY: Aerial data from Permian Basin in NM shows methane emission rates from well sites, pipelines, tanks,…
RT @EvanDSherwin: Our new airplane survey, published in @EnvSciTech , finds that ~9% of all natural gas produced the New Mexico Permian Bas…
RT @EvanDSherwin: Our new airplane survey, published in @EnvSciTech , finds that ~9% of all natural gas produced the New Mexico Permian Bas…
RT @barobertson111: This blows #gas claims to be a low emissions fuel Gas from this basin is a climate destroyer Truly shocking news from a…
RT @barobertson111: This blows #gas claims to be a low emissions fuel Gas from this basin is a climate destroyer Truly shocking news from a…
🧵 and wow
RT @barobertson111: This blows #gas claims to be a low emissions fuel Gas from this basin is a climate destroyer Truly shocking news from a…
RT @barobertson111: This blows #gas claims to be a low emissions fuel Gas from this basin is a climate destroyer Truly shocking news from a…
RT @EvanDSherwin: Our new airplane survey, published in @EnvSciTech , finds that ~9% of all natural gas produced the New Mexico Permian Bas…
RT @barobertson111: This blows #gas claims to be a low emissions fuel Gas from this basin is a climate destroyer Truly shocking news from a…
RT @ssteingraber1: NEW MASSIVE STUDY: Aerial data from Permian Basin in NM shows methane emission rates from well sites, pipelines, tanks,…
RT @EvanDSherwin: Our new airplane survey, published in @EnvSciTech , finds that ~9% of all natural gas produced the New Mexico Permian Bas…
RT @barobertson111: This blows #gas claims to be a low emissions fuel Gas from this basin is a climate destroyer Truly shocking news from a…
RT @JustinMikulka: It was likely too low. Much too low. A new study out of New Mexico estimates that methane emissions in the Permian regio…
RT @EvanDSherwin: Our new airplane survey, published in @EnvSciTech , finds that ~9% of all natural gas produced the New Mexico Permian Bas…
RT @barobertson111: This blows #gas claims to be a low emissions fuel Gas from this basin is a climate destroyer Truly shocking news from a…
RT @EvanDSherwin: Our new airplane survey, published in @EnvSciTech , finds that ~9% of all natural gas produced the New Mexico Permian Bas…
RT @jonwgoldstein: 🧵: A study out today in @EnvSciTech by scientists at @Stanford, @KairosAerospace and @UMich estimates the #cutmethane lo…
RT @GlobalEcoGuy: Wow. A 9% percent leakage rate of methane from the Permian Basin is horrific. A huge methane source. But it’s also somet…
RT @EvanDSherwin: Our new airplane survey, published in @EnvSciTech , finds that ~9% of all natural gas produced the New Mexico Permian Bas…
This paper from @EvanDSherwin finds that actual emissions in the New Mexico Permian Basin from methane gas leaks is *6 times* (!) what the EPA says is happening. This is a very significant finding that calls into question the gains from shifting from coal