Um novo dispositivo portátil revela o calor da pimenta
Um gadget é capaz de detectar a capsaicina, composto que ajuda a dar ardor para as pimentas.
Um gadget é capaz de detectar a capsaicina, composto que ajuda a dar ardor para as pimentas.
SmartNews Keeping you current New device can measure concentrations of capsaicin, the compound that gives peppers their burning…
Just how hot is your chili pepper? A new chili-shaped device could quickly signal whether adding the pepper to a meal might set…
Home > Diet and nutrition > News 30 October 2020 New device detects heat levels in chillies – so you can avoid the burn A chilli…
Si certains apprécient les piments extra-forts, d’autres ont le palais un peu plus sensible.
Si certains apprécient les piments extra-forts, d'autres ont le palais un peu plus sensible.
Si certains apprécient les piments extra-forts, d’autres ont le palais un peu plus sensible.
唐辛子の辛さの基準となる スコヴィル値 は、唐辛子のエキスを被験者が辛さを感じなくなるまで砂糖水に溶かすテストで測定されます。また、近年では 高速液体クロマトグラフィー という高価な機器を用いた測定法も使われています。こうした測定法に代わり、スマートフォンに…
Uma equipe de cientistas da Universidade Prince of Songkla, da Tailândia, inventou um dispositivo que pode detectar quanto…
This week in future tech, a small number of Tesla customers have gained access to a software update that claims to allow ‘full…
We've all either been to a restaurant with a friend whose face went all red because of how spicy their food was, or we've been…
Chili pepper is one of the favorite foods of many consumers. For some people, the spicier the chili the better it is; other…
C is for capsaicin The device can be connected to a smartphone to display results of the analysis.
Popping a random chili into your mouth is the culinary equivalent of playing Russian roulette.
Prolongar / Em breve, poderá haver uma maneira mais fácil de saber o quão picante é a pimenta.
35 min. temu | Ciekawostki Naukowcy opracowali przenośne urządzenie (w kształcie papryczki chili), które pozwala szybko i tanio…
Scientists have developed a portable chilli pepper-shaped device that can reveal how hot a pepper is before anyone bites into it.
Scientists have developed a portable chilli pepper-shaped device that can reveal how hot a pepper is before anyone bites into it.
Если вы любите самый острый перчик, то этот забавный гаджет вам пригодится Прототип Chilica-Pod в форме перца чили был разработан…
22 Oct 2020 --- Researchers have developed a portable device that detects how much capsaicin a pepper contains with the help of…
Some people love spicy food –– the hotter, the better. Others go out of their way to avoid the palate-singeing burn of capsaicin…
Chili peppers are a widely popular food ingredient around the globe. In addition to giving a spicy flavor, the capsaicin in…
Some people love spicy food -- the hotter, the better. Others go out of their way to avoid the palate-singeing burn of capsaicin…
Given that not everyone has the same tolerance for hot chilis, it would be good if there were a simple, portable means of…
USA October 21, 2020 A chili pepper-shaped device containing a paper-based electrochemical sensor can be connected to a smart…
Some people love spicy food -- the hotter, the better. Others go out of their way to avoid the palate-singeing burn of capsaicin…
Credit: Adapted from ACS Applied Nano Materials 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.0c02079 Some people love spicy food — the hotter, the…
Some people love spicy food -- the hotter, the better. Others go out of their way to avoid the palate-singeing burn of capsaicin…
A chili pepper-shaped device containing a paper-based electrochemical sensor can be connected to a smart phone to reveal how…