げっ歯類が歯科医療を刺激する(Rodents inspire dentistry)
2024-06-07 マックス・プランク研究所 マックス・プランク固体研究所の研究者たちは、最新の画像技術を用いて、ビーバーやヌートリアなどの齧歯類の歯の構造をナノメートルスケールで解析し、外側のエナメル質に鉄を含む物質が存在することを発見しました。この物質…
2024-06-07 マックス・プランク研究所 マックス・プランク固体研究所の研究者たちは、最新の画像技術を用いて、ビーバーやヌートリアなどの齧歯類の歯の構造をナノメートルスケールで解析し、外側のエナメル質に鉄を含む物質が存在することを発見しました。この物質…
Scientists used to believe that the reddish-orange tooth colour in rodents like beavers and nutria was caused by iron-rich…
Bobry, nutrie czy szczury mają wyjątkowo silne, wydłużone zęby, które rosną im przez całe życie.
Researchers discover an iron-containing material in the outer enamel of rodent teeth that could also make human teeth more…
Max Planck Society Researchers discover an iron-containing material in the outer enamel of rodent teeth that could also make…
Max Planck Society Researchers discover an iron-containing material in the outer enamel of rodent teeth that could also make…
Iron-enriched enamel gives rodents’ teeth strength, but not their characteristic orange colour, as was previously believed.
A mókus, a nutria vagy a hód – és számos más rágcsáló – hatalmas metszőfogai feltűnően narancsos-vöröses színűek.
A mókus, a nutria vagy a hód – és számos más rágcsáló – hatalmas metszőfogai feltűnően narancsos-vöröses színűek.
A newly published study in ACS Nano found something surprising about rodent teeth and could have implications for the next…
, 16:20 Зубы грызунов в очередной раз привлекли внимание ученых: их резцы очень устойчивы к развитию кариеса и необычайно крепкие…
Auf den Zahn gefühlt: Nagetiere wie Biber oder Eichhörnchen besitzen besonders massive Vorderzähne.
Study finds iron-rich enamel protects, but doesn’t colour, rodents’ orange-brown incisors “Ingenious Architecture and…
Besonders harte, robuste Zähne müssen nicht immer blütenweiß sein. Sieht man an Bibern, deren Vorderzähne eine Menge aushalten…
A hódok rághatnak akár hatalmas fákat is, a fogaik mégsem törnek ki, míg az embereknek már szinte azután is fogorvoshoz kell…
Chattering squirrels, charming coypus, and tail-slapping beavers -- along with some other rodents -- have orange-brown front…
Chattering squirrels, charming coypus, and tail-slapping beavers — along with some other rodents — have orange-brown front teeth.
Beavers can chew on huge trees but their teeth don’t break, while humans eat lollies and have to head for the dentist.
Chattering squirrels, charming coypus, and tail-slapping beavers—along with some other rodents—have orange-brown front teeth.
Chattering squirrels, charming coypus, and tail-slapping beavers — along with some other rodents — have orange-brown front teeth.
image: Nano-sized pockets of iron material in rodents’ incisors (coypu on the left and beaver on the right) strengthen and…
Chattering squirrels, charming coypus, and tail-slapping beavers — along with some other rodents — have orange-brown front teeth.
Chattering squirrels, charming coypus, and tail-slapping beavers—along with some other rodents—have orange-brown front teeth.
Post Views: 14 Chattering squirrels, charming coypus, and tail-slapping beavers along with some other rodents have orange-brown…
Newswise — Chattering squirrels, charming coypus, and tail-slapping beavers along with some other rodents have orange-brown…