Real Food Houston,
This study finds that "nations that require more vaccine doses tend to have higher infant mortality rates."
This study finds that "nations that require more vaccine doses tend to have higher infant mortality rates."
How many infants who die shortly after receiving vaccinations are labeled as "SIDS" cases? Infant mortality rates regress…
A tremendous list of official studies that prove vaccines harm. For those science lovers: Government published studies which…
Amazing how so many "authorities" say there is no science.......but there is........ #VAXXED #CDCwhistleblower #WMP
"We know the cause of SIDS. We can and have prevented them. It's all done with a compound called ascorbate. Not to use it means…
BABY REID'S BIRTHDAY Yesterday was Baby Reid's 3rd birthday...but he is not here to celebrate it. 💔 The healthy two-month…
Some studies to look into. Educate before you vaccinate. #LearnTheRisk Adverse Events following 12 and 18 Month Vaccinations…
Some studies to look into. Educate before you vaccinate. #LearnTheRisk Adverse Events following 12 and 18 Month Vaccinations…
IMPLACABLE respuesta de Matias Díaz a Marina Kogan por su nota sobre el debate de la vacunación. Hola Marina, leí tu nota…
Vaccines and SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) "Prior to contemporary vaccination programs, ‘Crib death’ was so infrequent…
Ogni giorno sento ripetere la storiella che non esiste alcun lavoro scientifico né documenti ufficiali, governativi che…
Sindrome della morte infantile improvvisa (SIDS) Prima dei programmi di vaccinazione contemporanei, la "morte della culla" era…
"Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic…
MORTI INFANTILI E VACCINAZIONI. C’È UN LEGAME? È possibile che alcune nazioni richiedano troppi vaccini per i loro bambini e…
So tell us again Greg... you have consulted the chief medical officer of Australia Professor Brendan Murphy, and vaccines do…
14 Links for vaccination and SIDS: Almost no SIDS prior to vaccine…
"Trust me I'm a Doctor" By Chef Todd Todd…
This is not at all surprising, considering that among 1st world nations, the countries with the most aggressive infant vaccine…
"The United States has the worst overall child mortality rate compared with those of 19 other wealthy nations in the…
SIDS = Vaccination Death SIDS is 100% death from vaccination....saying otherwise is the equivalent of wearing a sign that says…
SIDS and Vaccines: SIDS is the 3rd leading cause of death in infants, and because the US has one of the highest infant…
SIDS and Vaccines: SIDS is the 3rd leading cause of death in infants, and because the US has one of the highest infant…
SIDS = Vaccination Death SIDS is 100% death from vaccination....saying otherwise is the equivalent of wearing a sign that says…
Study Links Vaccines To SIDS: Infant Mortality Rates Regressed Against Vaccine…
Study Links Vaccines To SIDS: Infant Mortality Rates Regressed Against Vaccine…
SE CERCATE TRA I LAVORI NON SPONSORIZZATI DALLA GLAXO SK, troverete studi che dimostrano che e quanto i vaccini causino autismo…
SIDS and Vaccines: SIDS is the 3rd leading cause of death in infants, and because the US has one of the highest infant…
The infant mortality rate (IMR) is one of the most important indicators of the socio-economic well-being and public health…
VACCINI NOCIVI... Le prove definitive. Svelati gli inganni dei sedicenti scienziati vaccinisti. Svelati i segreti x efficaci…
From a group: Aluminum adjuvants of vaccines injected into the muscle: Normal fate, pathology and associated disease.�https://www…
Some great links were sent to the page, with many thanks. Be sure to save! Anti-vax or ex-vaxxer' don't take their decision…
Pomimo stałego nagłaśniania problemu przymusowych szczepień, które zawierają substancje toksyczne dla organizmu i ich związkiem…
1000 peer reviewed reports and studies that show a link between brain damage and vaccines…
“Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic…
#Lorenzin questa si che è una bella botta ... ai #vaccini!
"There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism" Except in all these government published studies which show vaccines…
"These findings demonstrate a counter-intuitive relationship: nations that require more vaccine doses tend to have higher…
With studies like this, why is there such a strong effort from health officials and news outlets to suppress discussion of…
The infant mortality rate (IMR) is one of the most important indicators of the socio-economic well-being and public health…
Vaccini: perplessità ed evidenze. STUDI: 1)* Vaccinati vs NON Vaccinati: Preterm birth, vaccination and neurodevelopmental …
There is NO Science that shows Vaccines Cause Autism, EXCEPT in ALL THESE Government Published Studies which show Vaccines…
Er is geen wetenschap die laat zien dat vaccins autisme kunnen veroorzaken, behalve onderstaande, door de overheid…
There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism, except in these published studies which show vaccines cause Autism. http:…
#VACCINI - Nel 2011 il Dipartimento della Salute e dei Servizi Umani degli USA (The National Institutes of Healths) pubblica…
Pomimo stałego nagłaśniania problemu przymusowych szczepień, które zawierają substancje toksyczne dla organizmu i ich związkiem…
Whaaaat....?! Obavještajna služba SAD-a vodi točnu statistiku smrtnosti novorođenčadi u cijelom svijetu? Zašto?!…
Se vi chiedono il perché siate scettici sulla sicurezza dei vaccini, se vi dicono che i vaccini non hanno effetti collaterali (o…
published studies which show vaccines cause Autism. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
Qui un elenco nutrito di articoli scientifici sui vaccini e reazioni avverse. Qualcuno ha lavorato :-) Grazie! http://www.ncbi.
There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism, except in these published studies which show vaccines cause Autism. http:…
There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism, except in these published studies which show vaccines cause Autism. (copied…
There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism, except in these published studies which show vaccines cause Autism. (copied…
There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism, except in these published studies which show vaccines cause Autism. (copied…
Aggiornato. E' lungo ma è una bella raccolta..
As a fellow medical professional, thought you'd find the following information helpful. Links for Vaccine…
Vaccini: perplessità ed evidenze. STUDI: 1)* Vaccinati vs NON Vaccinati: Preterm birth, vaccination and neurodevelopmental …
"The US childhood immunization schedule requires 26 vaccine doses for infants aged less than 1 year, the most in the world, yet…
“Prior to contemporary vaccination programs, ‘Crib death’ was so infrequent that it was not mentioned in infant mortality…
Saving. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Flu Vaccine and miscarriage…
"For example, Torch found that two-thirds of babies who had died from SIDS had been vaccinated against DPT (diphtheria–pertussis…
Nel 2011 il Dipartimento della Salute e dei Servizi Umani degli USA (The National Institutes of Healths) pubblica sul suo sito…
Posting again for new followers. This is an excellent list! Causal relationship…
*SIDS, Idiopathic Afflictions,
Il tasso di mortalità infantile regredisce al diminuire del numero di vaccini che vengono somministrati di routine. https://www.
Facebook censorship 2.0 has been implemented. In the first stage they've stopped showing more than half of our articles in the…
While the Greens fail to acknowledge the real risks of vaccination and choose to shift the cost of compensation to the tax…
1000 peer reviewed reports and studies that show a link between brain damage and vaccines…
معدل وفيات #الرضع يرتفع بارتفاع عدد #التطعيمات على خلاف ما يروّج له. #صحة #أطفالنا_أمانة…
(anti-vax help) so, I'm sure some of you have seen something like this floating around in the name of anti-vax. My question is…
"Linear regression analysis of unweighted mean IMRs showed a high statistically significant correlation between increasing…
Wow! "These findings demonstrate a counter-intuitive relationship: nations that require more vaccine doses tend to have higher…
#دراسات توضح أن معدل وفيات الرضع أعلى بثمان مرات وذلك خلال الأيام الثلاث التي تلي تلقي الرضيع جرعة #اللقاح_الثلاثي…
#VAXXED #CDCwhistleblower #RFKcommission There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism, except in all these government…
There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism, except in all these government published studies which show vaccines…
#Vaccini These findings demonstrate a counter-intuitive relationship: nations that require more vaccine doses tend to have…
"...The mean Infant Mortality Rates (IMRs) of all nations within each group were then calculated. Linear regression analysis of…
There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism, except in these published studies which show vaccines cause Autism. http:…
There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism, except in these published studies which show vaccines cause Autism. http:…
There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism, except in all these government published studies which show vaccines…
في الولايات المتحدة عام ١٩٨٠ باتت متلازمة وفاة الرضيع المفاجئة SIDS السبب الرئيسي في حالات وفيات الرضع
Mostly, I've just stayed out of the vaccine issue, but I just found a nurse who categorized all this info. Thanks {*Crystal…
There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism, except in all these government published studies which show vaccines…
There is NO Science that shows Vaccines Cause Autism, EXCEPT in ALL THESE Government Published Studies which show Vaccines…
There is NO Science that shows Vaccines Cause Autism, EXCEPT in ALL THESE Government Published Studies which show Vaccines…
Teresa Shirley…
Studio pubblicato nel 2011 dimostra che il tasso di mortalità infantile (IMR) è direttamente proporzionale al numero i vaccini…
Quando si dice di "non fidarsi di quello che si legge in internet" si intende di verificare le fonti, giusto? Voi vi fidate…
From Dr Larry..... This list crossed my desk recently. Copy the links and paste them into your search engine to read the…
Thank you for #truth Dr. Lawrence B. Palevsky!
From the desk of Dr. Lawrence B. Palevsky, M.D.: Here is a list of government published studies which shows vaccines…
So, I'm almost 4 years out of religion. I know a lot of my views in the world have changed and I continue to grow, I was…