人気の家庭用品に含まれる化学物質が自閉症や多発性硬化症と関連がある可能性を研究が示唆 - Nipponese
1711413429 2024-03-25 16:22:20 トップライン 新しい研究によると、消毒剤や家具などの一般的な家庭用品に含まれる2つの化学物質が、自閉症や多発性硬化症などの神経疾患の発症に関与している可能性があり、これらの化学物質が人間の健康に有…
1711413429 2024-03-25 16:22:20 トップライン 新しい研究によると、消毒剤や家具などの一般的な家庭用品に含まれる2つの化学物質が、自閉症や多発性硬化症などの神経疾患の発症に関与している可能性があり、これらの化学物質が人間の健康に有…
pm EDT Topline Two chemicals found in common household products like disinfectants and furniture may play a role in the…
Risk assessment of organophosphate esters combines laboratory studies, environmental screening, and computer modeling Flame-retar…
In addition to the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) standards I discussed last month, there are other…
L'ESSENTIEL Les retardateurs de flamme se déplacent dans l'air ambiant de notre logement et se déposent sur la poussière et les…
Flame retardants are used in various consumer products, such as electronics enclosures, upholstered furniture, and building…
Flame retardants are everywhere. They’re embedded in your TV, your couch — even your child’s car seat.
A Torontói Egyetem kutatói több száz, az égésgátló anyagokról szóló tanulmányt vizsgáltak át, és kiderült, ezek a matériák…
Researchers say that the fire retardant chemicals are toxic and only delay a fire be seconds but produce more smoke and most…
New flame retardants escaping from our TVs, other electrical and electronic products, and children's car seats are just as…
New flame retardants escaping from our TVs, other electrical and electronic products, and children's car seats are just as…
New flame retardants escaping from our TVs, other electrical and electronic products, and children's car seats are just as…
New flame retardants escaping from our TVs, other electrical and electronic products, and children's car seats are just as…
Replacement flame retardants present serious risks, caution scientists. New flame retardants escaping from our TVs, other…
Thanks to a whack-a-mole approach to chemical policy, newer flame retardants escaping from TVs, childrens car seats and couches…